A record of expenditure paid by cash, personal cheque or personal/business credit card. Keep a check on all the little expenses incurred in running a business and which are expenses of the business. Be sure for tax and general purposes you record the expenses which ought to be met by the business rather than out of your
profits or employee's pay. Ensure that petty cash is spent on the business and not the private concerns of staff.
profits or employee's pay. Ensure that petty cash is spent on the business and not the private concerns of staff.
- 32 Pages - 15 Double Page Charts.
- Size: A4 (297x210mm).
- Premium Paper: Printed on thicker 100gsm white paper for a quality feel, reduced show though and a more robust book.
- Thinking Environmentally: Finished by hand and dispatched from the same facility in Devon.
- Designed and improved with you in mind: We welcome and regularly review our feedback with a view to improving our products.